Want to Lose WEight the Healthy Way!
- Price P 5,870.00
- Classification For sale
- Classified ID 3025
- Category Buy and Sell
- Health and Beauty
- Location Cebu
- Page Views 80
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shizdi - Member Since
- Jul-08-2010
I have a simple and easy solution for You from Herbalife. Our Advanced Program! This pack includes:-
- Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix ( Meal Replacement ) - 20g of hunger controlling potein in every shake and in 3 delicious flavors - Dutch Chocolate, French Vanilla and Wild Berry.
- Formula 2 Vitamin & Mineral ( Anti-Stress / Anti Aging ) - 20 essential nutrients and antioxidants, including folic acids, calcium and iron
- Formula 3 Personalized Protein Powder - fat free with 5g of soy and whey protein and all 9 essential amino acids and helps build lean muscle, increasing your metabolism so you can burn more fat.
- Fiber & Herb ( Cleansing Tablets ) - enhance digestion of food, allows better absorption of nutrtiiones and assist the removal of waste matter.
- Vitamin-Mineral Herbal Complex ( Anti Cellulite ) - a vitamin, mineral and herbal blend to help eliminate excess fluids and helps lessen the appearance of dimpled skin.
- Fiberbond ( Fat Blocker ) - absorbs the excess fat from the food that you eat and cleanses it out naturally.
Start Today! Still need convincing!!!
Visit http://www.gina-healthylifestyle.webs.com
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