Milre Mi-5000 Digital Door Lock (Made in Korea)

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  • Milre Mi-5000 Digital Door Lock (Made in Korea)

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  • opmichelle
    • Member Since
    • Jan-25-2010
    • Company
    • Website
    • Address
    • Unit 101, 102, 103, G/F E-Square Bldg., 416 Ortigas Ave., Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila
    • Contact
    • (02) 725-8241 / 725-8928 / 584-1988 / 391-0719 / 725-8736

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OPENPINOY - Milre Mi-5000 Digital Door Lock - Made in Korea
OPENPINOY - Milre Mi-5000 Digital Door Lock - Made in Korea
Changing password
Push the '10KEY' button briefly after opening the battery cover.
Enter the password you want(Min: 4 digit~Max: 12 digit)
Push the '*' button. Registration is finished, if "bip~" is sounded.
Registration is finished if you push the 'etiquette' or 'start' button.
Registering and Changing Digital Key
Open the battery cover and push the '[R/C]' button briefly.
Contact the digital key to digital key contactor of a body from outer.(Digital key red lamp is on)
"BBilic~BBilic~" Registration is finished, if "bip~" is sounded.
Registration is finished when you push the 'etiquette' or 'start' button.
Registration mode is finished when you push the '*' button.
(It can be finished when you push the 'etiquette' button.)
Opening the door using password and digital key
Opening the door using password
Push the 'start' button=> Enter the password=> You can open the door when you push
'start' or '*' button.

Opening the door using digital key
You can open the door when contact the digital key to digital key contactor of left body.
Opening the Door using Etiquette Function
First, a product will be opened when you enter the password or contact the digital key after
pushing the 'etiquette' button.
Locking the Door from Outer
Locking on Auto-Lock Mode
When you close the door, the door will be locked automatically with a sound 'BBIC BBIC~'
Locking on Manual-Lock Mode
When you push the 'Etiquette' or 'Start' button after closing the door, the door will be locked.
Volume up/down of Operating Sound
If you want to set the volume of operating sound
Open the door, and press and release the latch bolt to appear dead bolt.
Press the 'start' or 'etiquette' button.
Push the '#' button when the lamp is on in a number pad.
Enter the password.
Or contact the digital key. Push the '#' button again.
Number 2 is [Volume up], Number 3 is [Volume down].
Method on using outside emergency power.
When you contact through password or digital key to outside emergency power terminal after contacting 9V square-battery(6LF22) to it well, you can open the door.
OPENPINOY - Milre Mi-5000 Digital Door Lock - Made in Korea

Openpinoy is an online computer store whose main branch is based in Ortigas Avenue Greenhills, Manila, Philippines that offers PC system like brand new and second hand desktop, lcd monitors, lcdtv, parts, cctv and accessories at a very affordable price.


Milre Mi-5000 Digital Door Lock (Made in Korea)


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