Arlyne Model 2BR House and Lot in Imus Cavite

Popular Searches: 3 Bedroom house at Bahayang Pag asa, Ac parts line assembler, 350 sqm Two Storey House near Fil Am Fri, 3bedroom Pines Model At 1.060m Through P, Air Guns For Sale Ph

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All models are provided with Carport, landscaped pocket garden and individual decorative steel gates & perimeter fence. Suitable for every family due to its impressive line of comfort & features such as:

Club house

Basketball court

Swimming pool

Tennis court

Very accessible to many schools, churches, hospitals, minimart as well as shopping centers.

Whats more??

You can avail of the lowest downpayment = 10% only!

Pay the downpayment for 6 months, INTEREST FREE!

Nothing to fix, no time to wait

1 Storey townhouse with 2 bedrooms and 1 toilet & bath
Floor area 55.80 sqm. Lot area 60.00 sqm
PRICE START Php1,060,000.00

For more details and site viewing please call;


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Globe#: +639275897013

Sun Cel #: +639225336042

Telephone #: (02) 4780755

Wireless #: (02) 6648482


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Arlyne Model 2BR House and Lot in Imus Cavite


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