Condominium for sale Las Pinas Lanikai 2.7M Ohana Place

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Condominium for sale Las Pinas Lanikai 2.7M Ohana Place

Price: Php2,774,000
Floor Area: 73
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Floors: 5
Year Built: 2010
City: Las Pias
Address: Alabang-Zapote Road
Zip: 1750
Country: Philippines
Status: Active
Full Description: A long strip of sparkling sand, palm trees swaying from side to side, lush tropical plants, endless sunshine and the deep turquoise/green water make Lanikai one of the most scenic beaches in Hawaii. Lanikai is considered by many Oahu residents to be the best swimming beach in the state. Two-bedroom condominium unit are popular with home owners at all stages of life. Young couples will enjoy the flexibility of converting a study to a nursery as their family grows. Retired couples with limited mobility may find all they need in a one-level home, while the second bedrooms provides the perfect quarters for visiting guests. Plus, a two-bedroom home offers the perfect compromise between comfortable living space and modest home maintenance requirement

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Condominium for sale Las Pinas Lanikai 2.7M Ohana Place


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