MC TRUCK BODY MAKERS 4258437* 7752742

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MC TRUCK BODY MAKERS, INC. TEL. 4258437*7752742

Manufacturer of different Truck body such as;

- Aluminum Van (Standard, Insulated, Refrigerated, WT)

- Passenger Type (FB Body)

- Drop side

- And other special body (X-Ray Van, Rescue Van, Mobile Office, Assault Body, Prisoners Van, Ambulance, Dump Body)

- Also accept body repair, painting, electrical, re upholstery.

Our office is directly worked with the client looking for excellent service at low prices. Since we have no agents that can possibly increase the price, you can save larger amount that doesnt need to suffer quality of the product. For inquiries, pls call us at 775-2742 *425-8437 * 775-0933 * 0918-2419400 * 0999-7763944 * 0915-5584702 or email us at [email protected] We also accept Job Order even outside of Metro Manila


MC TRUCK BODY MAKERS 4258437* 7752742


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