- Price P 1,125.00
- Classification For sale
- Classified ID 6466
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- Health and Beauty
- Location Quezon City
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Jeremy Bruit - Member Since
- Feb-08-2011
- Company
- Alliance In Motion Global Inc.
- Address
- Quezon City
- Contact
- 09324653472 / 09274933129
Slim & Trim is a foodsupplementspecially made to help anyonelose weight. It contains Glucomanan Hoodia Gordonii, two of the newest and most proven potent weight loss ingredients in the world!
Glucomannan is a water soluble polysaccharide that is considered a dietary fiber. Clinicalstudieshave shown the potential health benefits of glucomannan in constipation, obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, cholesterol and other lipids.
Hoodia Gordonii is a leafless spiny succulent plant with medicinal uses. It gros naturally in South Africa and Namibia.
Medicinal uses of Hoodia
- Long been used for treating indigestion and small infections by the people of Southern Africa.
- In 1977,South AfricanCounsil of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) isolated the ingredients in hoodia which is now known as P 57, which is responsible for its appetite-suppressant effect.
- Inhibits gastric production in the stomach by 40% to 60%
What can Slim & Trim do for your body?
Suppresses appetiteRelieves symptoms of constipationAids in increasing metabolismHelps maintain healthy bloodsugar levelImproves will power, discipline and choice of foodOn Constipation:Relieves constipation by decreasing fecal transit time. It can be well tolerated and no relevantside effectsOn Obesity:Clinical evidence suggests glucomannan may be beneficial in weight loss. It is a soluble fiber that absorbs water to form a viscous gel- like mass which promotes feelings of satiety while travelling through the gastrointestinal tractOn Type 2 Diabetes:Glucomannan is useful as a therapeutic adjunct for Type 2 Diabetest by improving lipid profile and alleviate the fasting blood glucose levels of Type 2 DiabeticsOn Cholesterol and Other Lipids:Glucomannan demonstrated stastistically significant improvement in the total cholesterol of patients. When used in conjunction with chitosa, glucomannan decreases serum cholesterol possibly by increasing steroid excretion via the feces.1 blister box = 30 V-Caps (Vegetable Capsules) For Orders, please contact:** Jeremy Bruit** 09102931563** [email protected]
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