CRESTWOOD house & lot for sale

Popular Searches: 3 Bedroom house at Bahayang Pag asa, Ac parts line assembler, 350 sqm Two Storey House near Fil Am Fri, 3bedroom Pines Model At 1.060m Through P, Air Guns For Sale Ph

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A blooming lifestyle in Antipolo City

Relish the fresh lifestyle in Camella Crestwood, Antipolo. With the elevated topography of Antipolo, it allows you to have a splendid view of the metropolitan skyline and evening lights. A Spanish -Mediterranean-inspired community, Camella Crestwood lets you experience a truly relaxing experience of home living.

Property Type:Single Firewall

Features:3 Bedrooms, 2 Toilet & Baths, Balcony, Carport, Provision for Service Area

Floor Area:64 sq. m. (689 sq. ft.)

Min. Lot Area:108 sq. m. (1,162 sq. ft.)

Location:Camella Crestwood, Antipolo City

Status:NRFO *

Price starts atPhp 2,743,000[Get Quotation]

* NRFO = For Construction; RFO = Constructed

Property Type:Single Firewall

Features:2 Bedrooms, 1 Toilet & bath

Floor Area:46 sq. m. (495 sq. ft.)

Min. Lot Area:72 sq. m. (775 sq. ft.)

Location:Crestwood 2 Subd., Antipolo City

Status:NRFO *

Price starts atPhp 1,831,000[Get Quotation]

* NRFO = For Construction; RFO = Constructed

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Human Shelter Plus


2nd floor, c&b Mall, Marikina Heights, Marikina City


CRESTWOOD house & lot for saleCRESTWOOD house & lot for saleCRESTWOOD house & lot for sale


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