HOUSE & LOT in Sucat, Parañaque City

Popular Searches: 3 Bedroom house at Bahayang Pag asa, Ac parts line assembler, 350 sqm Two Storey House near Fil Am Fri, 3bedroom Pines Model At 1.060m Through P, Air Guns For Sale Ph

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LlADRO - ( Sucat, Paraaque )

Along service rd., near the commercial area FIGARO, Dencios and near
Posadas Village.

Lot area - 180 sqm.
Floor area - 192 sqm.
TCP - 10,023,340
Est. Loanable amount - 8,018,000
Downpayment - 2,005,340
Res. Fee. - 40,000
12 months D/P - 163,779

5yrs. to pay - 178,357
10yrs. to pay - 115,036
15yrs. to pay - 96,231

For more details, pls. contact:
Melissa T. ILan
Property Consultant

Contact No.:0920-646-7817
email add:[email protected]


HOUSE & LOT in Sucat, Parañaque CityHOUSE & LOT in Sucat, Parañaque CityHOUSE & LOT in Sucat, Parañaque City


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